In the 278th episode of the Mail-Right Show, Robert and John welcomed Loida Velasquez to the podcast. She has strong expertise in Marketing Management. Her nine years of experience give her a certain edge in terms of advertisements. She has a thriving Real Estate-focused Youtube account that has already garnered almost 70,000 subscribers. Indeed, Loida is a boss woman with multiple talents that combine to allow her to reach utmost success in the real estate industry within a short time.
Marketing to Real Estate
Loida began her Youtube career when she started a career in the Real Estate industry. Her shift from the world of Marketing to Real Estate was rough, but vlogging and communicating with other agents through Youtube helped her cope with her situation. She recalled that there wasn’t much content about real estate that she could relate to at the time. She wanted to change that by being one of the first few Real Estate-focused content creators on the platform.
Loida makes sure that her videos are something that other agents can relate to as much as possible. She decided to show the not-so-glamorous side of being a realtor; door-knocking, cold-calling, how to close a deal, and other relatable issues. Loida emphasized that her growth was completely organic. She has never paid for any advertisement form, but her subscribers and viewers continue to increase because her content focuses on a specific niche.
Youtube for Real Estate in 2021
Loida firmly believes that from 2021 onwards, every single real estate agent or team has to have their own Youtube account. She said that as an agent with social media presence, clients prefer to do business with her over an average agent that does not have any social media platform, business-wise. It is also vital to know that Youtube works similarly with Google; it is like a search engine where potential clients may come. She emphasized that a simple video about the new area you are checking might lead to several calls from clients who want to sell their place, or maybe one or two potential re-sellers or buyers. Chances are, they have already checked your other videos and social media platforms. As they see more of you, you will appear more credible to them and the lengths you go to for your business.
There are various topics that real estate agents can post on Youtube and Facebook. They could separate their videos into three categories; buyers, clients, and other realtors. For the buyers, they can post videos on the process of home buying. For clients, they can post videos about the process of selling a home. Lastly, other realtors can learn from their videos about their tips and tricks regarding selling homes. Loida also said that the agents could vlog their daily work process to entice viewers. And no, professional and expensive camera equipment is not necessary for vlogging. An iPhone or other camera phone will do just fine, as long as you have working headphones or a lapel microphone for better sound quality. She also said that you need to build a following to fully identify the specific type of content that works well on your channel. Her videos regarding cold calling do well, so she tends to do more of those, while other Real Estate Youtubers focus on list videos such as Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Move to Los Angeles.
Loida opened up about the main reason why she chose to provide informative content on Youtube. She admitted that there are plenty of below-average real estate agents who are not aware of handling their work. They cannot negotiate and communicate with clients and buyers. In a way, she wanted them to find her channel and start learning a thing or two about the ins and outs of real estate in the 21st century.
Fusion of Social Media and Traditional Real Estate
By combining traditional and social media methods of the Real Estate field, Loida successfully gets new clients and sells properties. She stated that sitting back and waiting for recent business activity won’t do you any good. At the same time, traditional cold-calling might not be enough to close the deal without having a little bit of social media presence as your leverage. Sometimes, agents need to work smarter instead of harder. For example, if your buyer wants to purchase a property in a highly-concentrated neighborhood, it would be hard not to get outbid by other buyers. With this in mind, Loida does her best to get a property that hasn’t been listed. As a result, her client has first dibs on it without competition.
Loida also stated that Instagram is another excellent social media platform where she has gotten plenty of leads. For this specific platform, she does her best to balance her posts about her work and personal life to appear like a business account. This makes her seem more approachable and easier to speak with. Instagram stories are another great feature of the app that allows her to post mini clips and photos of her daily life, mainly her work. She can take a quick video of the new property that she’s trying to sell or a new area where she’s looking for new clients. By having an Instagram account, future clients and buyers can easily reach out to her whenever they need her expertise.