In the 431st episode of Mail-Right Show, Robert Newman and Jonathan Denwood discussed generating leads in 2024 that will help agents thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Robert Newman is the founder of InboundREM, a content marketing, story-telling-based platform. Meanwhile, Jonathan Denwood is the joint founder of Mail-Right, which builds beautiful websites on WordPress and provides CRM, landing pages, email, text outreach, and more in one great value package. This episode provides the knowledge and tools that agents need to know to generate a warm lead.
Understanding How The Successful Lead Funnel Works In 2024
Things are changing, and the information now differs from what would have been given to people in 2022. This is called the buyer-seller journey. Many people can feel upset about their expectations and what they receive from a system like MailRight or InboundREM. This is common for anyone assisting real estate agents and brokerages with digital marketing. However, agents who understand the buyer-seller journey and the different stages and methods of outreach during this journey will find it crucial in 2024.
Today, the quality of a lead goes through many stages. Getting just a name and phone number is no longer enough, and it hasn’t been for many years. There are many ways to add value to a lead. If there is a successful method to get people to share their information, but the value isn’t clear yet, like offering a free e-book, then a multi-step process can add value to the lead.
Leads are categorized as cold, warming, or hot. Before a lead is ready to buy or sell, it is important to have 10 or more valuable interactions over 12 to 18 months.
An example of catching someone early in their intent to buy could be offering the best home buyer’s guide for 2024.
Storytelling Works Connected To Turning Cold Into Warming Lead
Joseph Campbell had this union-based concept. Based on archetypes, every story, film, mini-series, and novel has about five different fundamental storylines. A lot of Western culture and Western written material, and then in the 20th century, film and television were based on the hero’s journey, where the hero goes through different stages of the journey. These stages can also be applied to the buy or seller journey.
Many agents do not realize that not all digital leads are the same. The quality of a lead depends on where it comes from online. For example, a lead from a Google search usually shows more interest than a lead from Facebook or other digital sources.
But even then, many of the people you initially contact will be on a journey. This can be hard for many agents, especially if they need a commission check ASAP. It is hard to understand this when in a desperate situation. However, agents who are not under such pressure and have some flexibility might not explain it well, but they understand instinctively that they and their leads are at different stages of this journey.
It would be best to put the consumer in the hero’s position on the journey. To understand this idea, knowing that people connect through archetypes is essential. After studying many cultures, Carl Jung found that these archetypes are common everywhere, regardless of place or culture. This idea has proven to be true over time. Despite the growth of the internet, Jung’s theory still holds. All cultures, whether Asian, American, Irish, or Nordic, share archetypes. This shows that storytelling is universal and explains why religions spread widely.
The idea is based on the hero’s archetype. Pe