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Facebook Groups for Real Estate Professionals

Episode 268 Facebook Groups for Real Estate Professionals

Episode 268 Facebook Groups for Real Estate Professionals | InboundREM

Episode 268 Mail-Right Show With Special Guest Tristan Ahumada of Lab Coat Agents

In Mail-Right Podcast Episode 268, Jonathon and I were ecstatic to talk with an experienced purveyor of Facebook Groups, Tristan Ahumada. He is the CEO, creator, and co-founder of the largest closed Facebook group for real estate agents called Lab Coat Agents. He has been in Luxury Real Estate since 2004 and still practices real estate in Los Angeles County and Ventura County. Throughout the year, Tristan speaks and teaches how to have a higher lead conversion through long-term follow-up and build deep relationships with clients. He has offered training for small groups to larger groups of approximately 20,000 people.

Beginnings and Goals of Lab Coat Agents

In 2014, Tristian originally wanted to make a blog, but his wife suggested a Facebook group looks more interesting. He then brought it up when he talked for Since then, the group has grown massively. It became an organization that provides free education and information for real estate agents. Its goal is to elevate the industry through education, and it was made possible through processes and systems and interviews with some amazing agents and real estate professionals.

Making A Video And Using Content Marketing

Most agents tend to overthink and shy away from doing videos. They are overwhelmed with the amazing videos they see and complicate the process when recording themselves talking about real estate topics. Through the power of content and video marketing, one can be seen as a real estate expert in their target market. I highly recommend creating marketing videos, especially with our clients. Video is the future, and today’s successful digital marketing effort needs to incorporate it into their strategy.

How To Make a Relevant Facebook Group

This is a blueprint shared by Tristian. He said that you are up for a good start in starting a group if you know what kind of group you are passionate about, the longevity, and the brand looks you want. Next is to scout people in the community and partner with people who are good at social media for the group to grow. Then, together with your moderators, you will start interviewing people about topics your group is interested in. Once your page is ready to be launched, you can ask your moderators to come up with at least 100 people to join the group and make sure moderators will post or engage at least thrice a week on the said page. That is how to set the tone and guidelines with your admins. It is also best to let them know it is profitable because they will get a business out of it. Once it picks up, you can set up an Instagram and monetize it on Youtube. In a year, your group will become a brand, and you have a business that is making money for you.

What To Keep In Mind

It would be best if you always remembered that the biggest hurdle in setting up a Facebook Group is the relationships and your expectations of what those relationships should be. You need to get along with people and be very careful who you go into business with. Social media has changed the dynamics of how we engage with each other. There is a great power given to the general population, and they can make comments, post whatever they want, and always get an audience. Properly positioning yourself for success involves engaging appropriately with your audience in your many social media channels. Addressing bad reviews, replying to comments, and quickly engaging with messages are great steps to follow when marketing on Facebook Groups.

If Tristian can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact him via:

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