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The Importance of Referrals in Marketing

Video thumbnail for youtube video Episode 158 The Importance of Referrals in Marketing

Episode 159 The Importance of Referrals in Marketing

Beatty Carmichael will tell us how important referrals in Marketing and what is his strategies.

Beatty is an entrepreneurial marketing professional with a specialty in creating integrated marketing solutions for independent sales reps and from branding to lead generation. He has his own website called and podcast “Get Sellers Calling You” which are downloadable to iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher.

He will tell us how important referrals in marketing and how it works. He will give sample scenarios and strategies to get leads. And he will differentiate Personal list to Generic list and Digital marketers to traditional marketers.

For him, one of the best ways to get referrals is to build trust and make your client believe in you. You must show that you are constantly selling, share the secret behind your success and give them a Unique Selling Proposition.

Want more tips for him? Watch this video:

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