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How To Use Videos To Get Leads

Episode 193 How To Use Videos To Get Leads

Episode 193 How To Use Videos To Get Leads

Video for Marketing

To begin the discussion, we should understand the term video itself. When we talk about video in the aspect of real estate, it could be a tour of properties for sale. It could be about some tips or tricks on how to buy or lease properties. In making videos, your field or business doesn’t matter. It is a form of gaining trust. It is about looking for ways on using a video to earn a potential client. There are various tools available to make videos such as Wistia, Loom, or other applications available online. A video is better than writing an email content of 5000 words. Video helps us communicate in verbal and nonverbal forms that do not apply to text messages or email. One to one or personalized videos could form a good foundation for marketing using this medium.

Video Culture

One should realize that a video is not limited as a marketing tool; it is also a communication device. If we hear people talk about video in this niche, we will always consider it as a marketing strategy or a sales tactic. In real estate, it is a way to communicate with clients or potential clients. You could begin with recording videos that you can edit to polish to make it more presentable. Then, you can try doing a live video. A live video can be spontaneous. It’s just like human conversation put in a video platform. One strategy that you can apply is doing a 5 to 10-minute video with Q & A about a real estate property.

Planning a Video

You can apply various strategies when recording videos. You can do short daily videos. These will not require a lot of editing, and you can upload it right away to a social media platform like Facebook or LinkedIn. Others may turn to quality over quantity. It can be one video a week that will take more time and production. It will require planning, like preparing answers for possible questions and brainstorming about the tips that you’ll share. You can employ a combination of these two strategies into your business. One essential thing to take note is not to worry about perfection. It may take time, but you will be able to master recording and to publish these videos.

Tools for Recording Video

You can use your mobile devices, an Android or an iPhone, for cameras. You may also want to use a good microphone when recording. A tripod is also necessary to make the video stable. Critical elements for a good video are the lighting and audio. You can also use an HD Webcam (1920×1080), Logitech Breo, or a DSLR for the camera if the budget permits. For the lighting, you could use blinds and the natural daylight to save cost. For a microphone, an ATR 2100 could suffice.

Editing Videos

If you’re recording using a smartphone, you can use the available application for video editing for minor edits. You could also download an app called LumaFusion or other free editors available online. A high production might require software fit to do the job like Adobe Premiere. Another option is to use a live technology called Ecam live which allows you to have scenes in the broadcast. You only have to figure out what suits your needs among these various ways to produce a video.

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