EPISODE 312: YouTube as a Source of High-Quality Leads
For the 312th episode of the Mail-Right Show, John and Robert interviewed Jesse Dau and Jackson Wilkey. Jackson Wilkey and Jesse Dau owned and operated the Real Agent Now Group in Portland, Oregon. They generated consistent leads at little cost by building a relatable and reliable brand through informative videos using their YouTube channel. Their channel produced consistent leads, which they were able to convert into over $12 Million in sales. They attribute much of their success to their YouTube Channel, and Jesse and Jackson shared SEO Tips for Optimizing YouTube Real Estate Videos in this podcast episode.
What is a YouTube SEO strategy?
SEO is a dynamic process that involves creating online content to attain a top ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Because Google Search is frequently the gatekeeper to your content, optimizing your content for the Search Algorithm is critical for attracting traffic and growing a following. Unlike Google, which evaluates your rank based on backlinks and other things, YouTube SEO entails optimizing your channel, playlists, metadata, descriptions, and videos.
Most Popular Search Engine
There is no doubt YouTube’s growth in popularity over the last several years. Numerous reports assert that YouTube has surpassed Google as the world’s most popular search engine. However, regardless of where YouTube stands in terms of search engine prominence, videos are swiftly establishing themselves as one of the most powerful tools to market online and one that every real estate agent in the country should take seriously.
Real Estate Video Marketing
Promoting your real estate firm via video is no longer limited to tech-savvy real estate brokers. Believe it or not, creating a video for creative listing presentations, property showings, and neighborhood documentaries has practically become required in the real estate profession. As YouTube’s increased brand exposure has had tremendous success, agents and brokers need to follow the trend to stay ahead of their competitors. However, like with any web marketing, it is vital to ensure that each of your YouTube videos is sufficiently optimized to fully leverage the platform’s power.
SEO Tips
Whether you already have a channel or are planning to start one, our discussion provides concrete steps you can take today to improve your overall results.
- Add a Keyword-Rich Title – If you manage a real estate website, you are undoubtedly aware that providing a keyword-rich page title and Meta description for your blog or website is a critical optimization concept.
- Incorporate Keywords as Tags – Using video tags will enable you to associate your real estate video with other similarly labeled videos, which will allow viewers from different niches to see your content as a “Related Video.”
- Optimize your video description. – One of the most critical ranking elements for YouTube SEO is ensuring that your video description is detailed and offers additional insight into your content. External links to landing pages are also a great way to leverage this section of your videos.
- Customize your thumbnail image – this can be beneficial or detrimental to your YouTube videos. They are the first thing people notice when they view YouTube search results. A great thumbnail can result in an increased click rate, which significantly impacts your YouTube ranking.