Episode 359: How to Get Real Estate Listings in 2022 With Video Marketing

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For the 359th episode of the Mail Right Show, Jonathan Denwood and Robert Newman the impact of video marketing in 2022 in getting real estate listings. Robert Newman is the founder and the CEO of the Inbound Marketing Firm–Inbound REM. Meanwhile, Mail Right was founded by Jonathan Denwood, who also serves as the company’s CEO. Mail Right is an online platform where you’ll find various useful digital resources in one easy-to-navigate web platform.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the main lead drivers on social media, your website, and anywhere online. Videos, on average, have a 300% higher clickthrough rate than other content types.

More than 400% more inquiries are made about properties on real estate websites that employ a video marketing strategy than those that do not. Therefore, real estate agents should employ promotional films. One of the most effective strategies for real estate agents to use online is video marketing.

Who is the Audience?

When you are doing videos, you do not do them in hopes that one day they will generate leads. The primary reason you are doing these videos is for them to get you as many leads as they can. First, you should ask yourself, “who is your audience?” knowing your target audience is important for generating these leads because you will know exactly what information you need to share, what features of the area you need to show, and more.

Have You Worked Out Your Equipment and Setup, plus Editing?

Making videos in 2022 is easy. All you need is proper equipment where you will take your videos and produce excellent quality content.

Your phone

In filming a video, you may use your iPhone or your android. If you have a digital camera, you may also use it to shoot your videos.


Investing in a microphone is an excellent idea to produce incredible sound quality for your videos. Sound should be one of your priorities when making videos.


Lighting is an important aspect when filming. In video marketing, you must keep in mind that you are producing high-quality content that will catch the audience’s interest. You want your video to be light and light.


There is editing software you can use to edit and improve your video. You may download it on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Do You Have a Video Plan?

You can make a lot of money from doing video marketing on YouTube. You can utilize different ways to do online video marketing, like listing the equipment you use on your videos and sharing the link where you bought them so other agents can buy and use them if they try to produce the same content you did. Growing your YouTube subscribers is one way to advertise and market, eventually making you a higher income.

Another way is to present your videos as case studies. You can present your most challenging sales as a case study. You can make a video on how difficult the sale was and how you managed to sell it. This is an effective method that Cristophe Choo did.

Have You Worked Out Your Video Topic Ideas?

If you want to generate a listing outside YouTube, you can use it by making staging videos. You can talk about interesting ways homeowners like how they make home repairs, prepare for appraisals, and get the property ready before they add it to the listing.

Showing your local neighborhood knowledge videos

If your audience plans to move into your neighborhood, you have to offer them information about where they plan to relocate. Show off the best features of the area and the available properties for sale.

Testimonial videos from sellers and buyers

Testimonial videos from sellers and buyers are essential. You can utilize this kind of content on social media, which is an effective listing driver for real estate agents.

Open homes (people love these types of videos)

Open homes are great opportunities to do videos. It is a great way to build your database list and expand your listing generation. You may use open homes as content for Youtube and Google my business profile. You take your camera, give a client a tour, and feed them the necessary information. When you utilize open homes, you must be prepared with a sign-up sheet and engage with the people visiting a tour.