On the 393rd episode of Mail Right Show, Jonathan Denwood, and Robert Newman discuss Instagram and Threads that real estate agents can utilize to streamline the process of selling, buying, or dealing property. Robert Newman, the founder and CEO of the inbound marketing agency Inbound REM has over a decade of experience in the real estate search engine optimization area. On the other hand, Jonathan Denwood is the founder and CEO of Mail Right, an online platform that combines several digital tools into a single, convenient, and user-friendly solution. This episode delves into the advantages of Instagram and Threads compared to other platforms in maximizing profits.
The most important aspect of being a real estate agent, whether online or in person, is to talk and connect with individuals considering selling, buying, or dealing with property.
For real estate agents, the social media areas recommended to focus on are YouTube and Instagram Threads. Although you can also utilize Twitter, if you’re really into Gen X or the millennials in urban areas, as a real estate agent, spending less time on Twitter is recommended. And the reason for that is the culture of Twitter. And regarding real estate and being a real estate professional, that’s the last thing you want to get involved with unless you decide to appeal at a particular time. For example, some agents in Northern Nevada have made that choice. They are highly political individuals. There are also agents in Las Vegas that have made that decision and are highly politicized. They put on their Facebook and Twitter highly political content of a particular viewpoint. They might do it because they believe it, but it helps them with their marketing and the people they’re trying to appeal to. But in general, it is the last thing to encourage a real estate agent to do on Twitter because of the baggage of the platform.
What is Threads
Threads is an app created by the Instagram team, and it has been around and become incredibly popular. Almost 100 million people use it because it’s connected to Instagram, which has many users. You will use your Instagram account to set up your Thread account and utilize its features.
In Threads, Instagram made the platform ensuring that Twitter’s negative aspect, which is how people interact when discussing things, improves. This has always been a problem on Twitter, where conversations can often be unpleasant. Threads are trying their hardest to ensure that the toxic culture that has always been a part of Twitter doesn’t happen as much in Threads.
Difference of Twitter to Threads
Twitter has limited space for communication. While you can use automation or delegate that task to your team or an external agency, these approaches often result in less genuine content unless you hire a highly skilled per