Mail-Right Podcast Episode 258 – What The Best Digital Contact That Can Get You Quality Leads in 2020?
In this episode, Jonathan and I will be discussing The Best Digital Content for Generating Real Estate Leads in 2020. In our many episodes, we discuss making good quality content to help get you in front of the right people that can potentially become clients for your business. We’ll share our advice on which content is the most effective for realtors to use and why we think you should add them to your blog and other digital marketing strategies.
Best Video Content
With how big Video is becoming, it’s not a surprise the first topic we talk about is the best video content for real estate professionals. We discuss Matthew Lawson and his group The Real Estate YouTube Mastermind, a 2,000 member group of real estate involved individuals all invested at creating the best content possible for their business. The top producing videos they have are lifestyle videos related to relocation to a new city or living in their specific market. People relate to information about the benefits and facts living in a new area they’re looking to move to offer. And a large number of realtors on the group have shared excellent input on this type of content and how it has worked well for their digital marketing efforts. Our team encourages all of our clients to create neighborhood tour videos for the pages we build them as content from this content works quite well at attracting potential buyers. Our more successful clients have even converted leads from this type of content, so I can personally guarantee that this type of video is great for realtors to produce for themselves.
Property Taxes
The second type of content I would recommend is Property Taxes. I have a client in Atlanta right now, generating about 30 to 40 high-quality leads from a single blog post that we built him a while back. There’s something about property taxes that people looking to buy or sell properties want to review and search for more information online. If you’re a savvy digital marketer, you want to get in front of potential real estate clients when they ask questions and position yourself as an expert that can provide the right answers. Take the time to demonstrate your expertise. People will be impressed by the amount of effort and service that you’ve taken to try to give them an answer without talking to you and thus, they will be more inclined to talk to you