What is Mobile first SEO? What are the changes Google implemented and how does it affect SEO?
This is a continuation discussion about SEO and introduction about MOBILE FIRST SEO.
Nowadays, people mainly use their mobile phones in researching and Google is looking into how they can provide user-friendly mobile experiences.
In terms of changes, since google now focus’s on mobile, it gives You Tube priority so Youtube should be connected to google. Google also has additional features for mobile search. They added Latitude and longitude on where the video is taken. Meaning to say mobile search is increasingly connected to Video location, mobile search and uploads.
You can’t separate youtube and google. If you are going to focus on mobile first then you should have video no matter what.
Two big changes are as follows:
All website should be using https to be able to recognize to be a secured site and to avoid hackers destroy your site.
Second is by using some chrome extension such as AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages.
AMP makes the mobile web faster and it provides more visitor on the websites. It is a google extension .amp – permission to save a copy on a mobile page and use their server to your page.
In the video below, we will show a sample of a mobile-friendly website. We will differentiate Mobile Search and Desktop PC and tell you how important it is to have a youtube video on your site and what to do for your website to be mobile friendly?