Excellent Practices Realtors can do to Get More Listings with guest Beatty Carmichael.
Our episodes delve into excellent ways real estate professionals can get more leads, maximize their contact list, and many more tips you could use in your business. From personal records, open houses, our conversation will help you find ways of generating more leads and sales.
Personal List
A personal list is a list of people who you know; this is an essential tool of any marketing professional as leads generated from this list is 8 to 10 times more likely to buy from you. Top producers in the real estate industry will most likely tell you that a good portion of their business comes from their list. As a marketer, it is your job to make sure you’re continually building this list and helping it grow. Once you have your list, make sure to get the right contact information, preferably on a CRM tool you can easily manage. Information you would need includes an email address, a mailing address, and phone number. You’ll want to continually touch base with your list to make sure you become their top candidate if and when they need a realtor.
To-do List and Touching
Your to-do list is an excellent way of keeping track of important work that needs to get done for you to become an effective marketing professional. Top of your list every day should always be touching base with your contacts and making sure you stay their friend. Greeting them on their birthdays or messaging them about their home purchase after a year are great reasons to give them a call. If you have an email list sharing positive news such as new listings or sales are fantastic ways to showcase your skill as a realtor.
Open House
Experienced realtors can have a negative attitude when it comes to open houses. They have excellent points as to it can be a time waster unless you fully utilize the potential of an open house. Although not as good when it comes to selling homes, open houses are great ways of getting new seller leads. Knock on as many doors in the neighborhood you’re doing an open house in and introduce yourself to residents in the area. Allow them to see what an open house is, the market price in their neighborhood, and a realtor who is familiar with the community. Use the open house as an opportunity to build your contact list and become first in mind for the residents in the neighborhood.
Building your Relationships
When working on your list, you need to make sure you are a genuine friend to them. Everyone knows a realtor, and when someone decides to sell or buy a home, they will most likely choose someone who they know personally and have a good relationship with.
The Right Mindset
Keep your eyes on the goal; the real estate business is a tough business with a lot of high highs and a lot of low lows. You need to have a personal goal that will push you to move forward and keep working, especially through tough times. You’ll need to maintain the right attitude as you build on your success.